We believe in the power of prayer! Prayer is a vital part of every Christian life and is a core value of our church, and of faith in Christ.
Luke 18:1 …Men ought always to pray and faint not.
Matthew 11:24 And whatsoever ye ask in prayer believing, ye shall receive.
The Intercessory Prayer Chain Ministry is a group of saved believers who organized to make a difference in the Body of Christ, through prayer.
The Intercessory Prayer Chain Ministry seeks to be a part of the move of God, in Christ, through prayer, so that, we can make a difference for the sake of the Kingdom of God every day.
To edify the Body of Christ by promoting regular heart-felt prayer for spiritual health and wholeness
To use the telephone to form links, which become a morning prayer chain every Monday – Friday at 5 o’clock a.m., for intercessory prayer.
To intercede for our pastor, church, family, friends, community, country, and all prayer requests
To encourage and stimulate the growth of senior citizens through prayer and life enriching bible study in nursing homes.
To carry out the Great Commission by visiting, and praying for, the sick in their homes, as well as in hospitals, or nursing homes.
To support the weekly prayer service in our church.
A call to prayer began our ministry. The first day of operation was August 17, 1998. The Prayerline continues to operate Monday through Friday from 5 a.m. – 5:30 a.m.
This ministry is an outreach within the Prayer Ministry. Our goal is to send cards to those who request prayer to let them know we are praying for them during difficult times of sickness, grief, etc
A Prayer Breakfast with 100 Christians in Purple is held on the 4th Saturday of August in celebration of the anniversary of the Intercessory Prayer Chain Ministry.
Church Services are held every 3rd Sunday from 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Bible Study is held every 1st Tuesday from 6 pm – 7 pm
GRACE CARE HOME (formerly Fallbrook Nursing Home) 1424 Fallbrook Dr., Houston, Texas
The Encouragement Ministry reaches out to new Galilee members by calling them and having a welcome prayer. We also try to answer any unanswered questions. We encourage them to immediately complete new member orientation, to become a part of a bible study and/or a Sunday School class, and to become actively involved in the ministry of their choice.